Damocles provides the means to evaluate complex rules over large-scale event logs. It supports function typing, function parameter nesting, function generics, higher functions and a range of update functions with an extensible framework allowing to add more context-specific functions. Feel free to contact me for more information.
The business process verification package provides generic verification tools for Petri net based business process models. The package provides functionality for the gGeneration of a declarative process specification describing the common behavior of one or more related pnml process model variants and verification of a pnml process model against a generated or custom specification using the NuSMV2/NuXMV model checker.
Visit Project on GitHubThe BPMPetriNet package provides a Petri net implementation for Business Process Modeling. The package provides (i) several place/transition net implementations, (ii) (un)marshalling place/transition nets (from) to pnml format, (iii) unfolding place/transition nets into an event structure, and (iv) conditional evaluation of guards using expressions.
Visit Project on GitHubThe ProVariant tool allows for the automated generation of declarative specifications from a set of known business process variants. It takes as input a set of process models in pnml format. Its output is a set of CTL specifications.
Visit Project on GitHubThis personal project offers implementations of Human Interface Devices (HID) over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT for MicroPython. The library has been tested using an ESP32 development board (TinyPICO) as the peripheral and Windows as the central. Examples and basic implementations of HID devices are available for keyboard, mouse, and joystick.
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