The following courses are (were) taught with my assistance:
The following master projects are (were) under my supervision and/or assistance:
Mark Kloosterhuis,
Verification extension for Business Process Modeling (VxBPM) Tool,
University of Groningen,
May 2016,
supervision by Prof. dr. ir. Marco Aiello.
Piet den Dulk,
VxBPMN Designer: A Graphical Tool for Customizable Process Models Using the PVDI Framework,
University of Groningen,
September 2014,
supervision by Prof. dr. ir. Marco Aiello.
Adam Loorbach,
Measuring the efficiency offered to local e-Governments by Service Oriented Architectures,
University of Groningen,
August 2010,
supervision by Prof. dr. ir. Marco Aiello.
The following scientific internships were under my supervision and/or assistance:
Antonin Thioux,
Analysis of Metastable Failure Detection using Machine Learning Techniques,
University of Groningen,
November 2023.
Andrés Tello,
Business Process Model Checking: using PDVI techniques & the NuSMV model checker tool,
University of Groningen,
May 2013,
supervision by Prof. dr. ir. Marco Aiello.
The following bachelor projects are (were) under my supervision and/or assistance:
Lorenzo Casale,
Enhancing Data Analysis with RDF and SPARQL,
University of Groningen,
July 2024.
Jeroen Klooster,
A token execution semantics for BPMN,
University of Groningen,
July 2023.
Merlijn Frikken,
Conversion of Business Process Modeling Notations,
University of Groningen,
December 2020.
Sam van Dijk,
Model checking business processes: The search for the most compatible model checker,
University of Groningen,
January 2014,
supervision by Prof. dr. ir. Marco Aiello.
Robbert-Jan Pijpker,
Business Process Variants: a Generation from Templates,
University of Groningen,
June 2013,
supervision by Prof. dr. ir. Marco Aiello.